
Proof assistant for qRHL

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Binary installation

Qrhl-tool requires Linux, OS/X, or Windows to run.

You can download the qrhl-tool binaries here.

The binary development snapshot can be downloaded from here.


To check whether this is the case, go into a terminal, and enter java -version or emacs -version, respectively, and see whether the commands are found.


Simply unpack qrhl.zip. This will create a directory called qrhl-0.7.2. (Or qrhl-snapshot in case of the development snapshot.)

Edit .qrhl-tool.conf in your home directory. Add the configuration keys isabelle-home = <where you unpackaged Isabelle> and afp-root = <where you unpackaged AFP>. (See qrhl-tool.conf.sample in the distribution directory.)

To update, simply extract the new version. (Possibly updating .qrhl-tool.conf if the Isabelle version has changed.)

Executing the demos

In the qrhl-0.7.2 directory, execute proofgeneral.sh.

This will open emacs running ProofGeneral configured for the qrhl tool. Open one of the example files in examples/, e.g. example.qrhl.

(See invoking ProofGeneral for alternative ways, or if you use Windows.)

To step through the examples, use Ctrl-C Ctrl-N to go forward one proof step, Ctrl-C Ctrl-U to go back one. You will see the current goal and some messages withing the Emacs/ProofGeneral window. (Or you can use Ctrl-C Ctrl-Return to execute to the cursor position.) See the ProofGeneral manual for more information.

Note: The first step of the proof script (isabelle.) will take very long upon first activation, because it will build all required Isabelle theories. Do not start other instances of Isabelle or the tool while this is in progress.

Editing the Isabelle theory files

Some examples depend on an accompanying Isabelle theory. (E.g., prg-enc-rorcpa.qrhl depends on the Isabelle theory PrgEnc.thy.) To edit that theory, run Isabelle using the isabelle.sh script. (isabelle.ps1 on Windows.) Then open and edit the file normally.

Compiling / running from source